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Schedule – 2018 Antarctica and Southern Ocean Forum

August 14, 2018

Registration Day 1 and Ice-Breaker

17:00  -  19:00
Riverview Room

August 15, 2018

Registration and Setup

09:00  -  09:30

Acknowledgement of Country

09:30  -  09:35

Welcome to CSIRO

09:35  -  09:40

Welcome to ASOF; Event outline

09:40  -  10:10

The case for building an Polar engineering and science community

10:10  -  10:30

Morning Tea

10:30  -  11:00
Freycinet Room

Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – using ocean technologies to create a national research infrastructure

11:00  -  11:20

MNF Update: Transitioning to full year operations

11:20  -  11:40

RSV Nuyina Construction Update

11:40  -  12:00


12:00  -  13:30
Riverview Room

Spatial and temporal observations of the Antarctic marine ecosystem: the role of autonomous platforms past, present and future

13:30  -  13:50

The Antarctic marine environment is patchy at spatial and temporal scales. That is, there are large assemblages of biomass, collected…

Determination of the floe‐scale spatial variability of Antarctic pack-ice algal biomass using a Remotely Operated Vehicle instrumented with a hyperspectral radiometer

13:50  -  14:10

Antarctic pack ice serves as habitat for microalgae which contribute to Southern Ocean primary production and serve as important food…

Facilitating biological data collection from the world’s most extreme fisheries.

14:10  -  14:40

Australia has five commercial fishing vessels licenced to fish in Antarctic and sub-antarctic waters targeting the highly prized Antarctic toothfish,…

Autonomous Sampling devices for Marine Microbiology and eDNA analysis

14:40  -  15:10

In recent years novel genomic techniques such as qPCR, metagenomics and eDNA analysis have shown their utility as powerful tools…

Afternoon Tea

15:10  -  15:40
Freycinet Room

Utilising Fibre Optic Tow Cable Technology Now and in the Future

15:40  -  16:00

In recent years the Australian Antarctic Division have upgraded the Aurora Australis with an electro/optical tow cable to build upon…

Electronic Development of Long Term Passive Acoustic Monitoring Devices

16:00  -  16:20

The Australian Antarctic Division has developed low power electronics to receive and record continuous, long term, acoustic data sets in…

Autonomous, trace metal clean, seawater sampler: AUV integration and 12 month mooring deployment

16:20  -  16:40

The Southern Ocean is anaemic, with phytoplankton growth being slowed by the lack of the micronutrient iron. Phytoplankton are the…

Wrap-up Day 1

16:40  -  16:50

August 16, 2018

Registration and Setup

08:45  -  09:00

Southern Ocean clouds and aerosols measured from ships and Macquarie Island

09:00  -  09:20

We examine recently collected cloud observations made from the surface of the Southern Ocean using W-band cloud radar, ceilometer and…

Pushing the boundaries of acoustic observation possibilities in challenging environments

09:20  -  09:40

Acoustics is important in the ocean, and passive acoustic monitoring is a key part of large scale autonomous and remote…

Using waves and power efficient loggers for autonomous profiling to collect high quality high density data for increased Periods

09:40  -  10:00

Sustaining Oceanographic Moorings in the Southern Ocean; Engineering Design and Challenges

10:00  -  10:20

The continuation of IMOS (Integrated Marine Observing System) funding body in Australia has provided opportunities for the deployment of oceanographic…

Morning Tea

10:20  -  11:00
Freycinet Room

The engineering challenges of an autonomous underwater vehicle bound for Antarctica

11:00  -  11:20

To address strategic science questions about Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Gateway Partnership project (AGP), a Special Research…

Lessons learnt from the long term deployment of an automated, rugged, remote photographic monitoring camera for monitoring of Antarctic Coastal processes.

11:20  -  11:40

There is widespread recognition of the benefits in automating procedures for the collection of scientific data, and an increasing ability…

The use of fibre optic gyroscope technology to determine underwater orientation of seafloor packages at high magnetic latitude locations

11:40  -  12:00

Underwater observing systems that collect information with a two or three spatial dimensions (water current vectors for example) generally measure…


12:00  -  13:30
Riverview Room

Finding Southern Ocean Data – an architecture for data discovery

13:30  -  13:50

The challenges involved in discovering and accessing Southern Ocean data are emblematic of the issues associated with data discovery in…

Challenges to constraining sound velocity in Antarctic Waters

13:50  -  14:10

Sensor data, low cost, anywhere on Earth

14:10  -  14:40

Cost effective retrieval of data from unattended ground-based sensors, and oceanographic drifters at polar latitudes is challenging. Deployment and maintenance…

A frame from processing multivariate Antarctic solid earth data

14:40  -  15:10

Freycinet Room

15:10  -  15:40

Autonomous observations in extreeme environments

15:40  -  16:00

Observations in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic waters are sparse due to remoteness and challenging sea conditions. Most observations have…

The Icefin Hybrid ROV/AUV Explores the McMurdo and Ross Ice Shelves

16:00  -  16:20

Icefin is a hybrid remotely operated or autonomous underwater vehicle (ROV/AUV) that is both modular and field-portable; it is essentially…

Remotely operated vehicles for visually surveying deep-water biological ecosystems

16:20  -  16:40

Many marine protected areas often cover large expanses of deepwater habitat that are beyond depths that are practical by other…

Wrap-up Day 2

16:40  -  16:50

Gala Dinner

18:30  -  22:00

August 17, 2018

Hydrogen for energy storage in Antarctica – lessons learnt on the technical issues of generation, storage and use

09:00  -  09:20

Energy for electricity generation is a very precious resource in Antarctica. The cost of transport of non-renewable fuels to Antarctica…

Advancing the state of sea ice remote sensing with new instruments

09:20  -  09:40

Our knowledge of the state of sea ice (particularly areal extent and concentration) undertook a quantum leap in 1978 with…

A Web Based Framework for On-Board Decision Support Tools

09:40  -  10:00

When conducting complex, long duration marine science operations, one of the major challenges is making sense of the vast amount…

Hydrochemistry – What’s in the water?

10:00  -  10:20

Hydrochemistry is the chemical analysis of seawater and is primarily focussed on salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients. The determination and…

Wrap-up Day 3

10:20  -  10:40

Morning Tea

10:40  -  11:00
Freycinet Room

RV Investigator Ship Tour (Optional)

11:00  -  12:00
Lobby and Wharf

Lunch (not catered)

12:00  -  13:30
Riverview Room

What’s next for ASOF?

13:30  -  14:30
Freycinet Room

A general and open door discussion on the planning and merits of this first ASOF conference and opportunities to engage…